The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council's Safeguarding Adults Service is the point of contact for reporting adult safeguarding concerns.
All adult safeguarding concerns are received and screened by the Safeguarding Duty Team. Where necessary information is shared with professional partners across the district.
Hours of operation:
• Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm.
• Friday: 8.30am to 4.30pm.
The Safeguarding Duty Team cannot screen safeguarding concerns outside of working hours.
For assistance outside of working hours the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) can be contacted on 01274 435400
• If your feel your concern requires an urgent out of hours response, contact the Emergency Duty Team direct on 01274 435400
• If your concern is not urgent, please complete the online form.
I am reporting this safeguarding concern as:
Adult at Risk - use this if you are the person being abused or neglected.
Member of the Public - use this if you are a concerned member of the public or a friend or relative of the person being abused or neglected.
Professionals/Organisations - use this if you know the person being abused or neglected in a professional capacity or you are reporting the concern on behalf of an organisation that knows the person.
If you feel that your situation is an emergency please contact the appropriate emergency service for support:
West Yorkshire Police - 999
West Yorkshire Ambulance Service – 999
What will I need to tell you?
• Tell us about yourself – your name, address, telephone number
• Tell us who has harmed you – their name and their relationship to you
• Tell us when and where the abuse happened
• Tell us what you what to happen to keep you safe
Please provide as much information as possible together we can decide how best to keep you safe. If you do not have any of the information, please select the unknown button.
• If you need help to complete the form please telephone: 01274 431077 we will support you to report your concern.
What happens next?
• When a safeguarding concern is reported the MASH will look at your concern, and decide with you what should happen next.
• This is called Responding to the Concern and gathering information.
• Together we will consider how best to help you.
• Someone from the MASH will decide with you if a safeguarding response or a different response is needed to make sure you are safe.
• You will be offered support to make your own choices about what you want to happen to stay safe.
• You may be offered a Care Act assessment and support plan to support you to stay safe.
• Further information may be gathered to make decisions and safeguard you from the risk of further abuse.
Police Response
The MASH Policing Team screens the safeguarding concern and will research their systems for relevant information relating to the safeguarding concern. They will decide if a criminal offence has been committed and if this needs to be recorded.
• The Police may record the information as an Adult at Risk or intelligence which will assist officers and Police Community Support Officers to understand issues and provide better support to vulnerable adults within their area.
• May record a crime - The crime could be filed at the MASH with no further action depending on the circumstances, or could be allocated to a uniformed officer to investigate.
• Officers may speak to you for further information about the offence or interview you or the person who has abused or neglected you as part of an investigation to safeguard vulnerable adults and bring offenders to justice.
If you feel that the abuse is an emergency situation or a criminal offence has taken place please contacts the appropriate emergency service support:
West Yorkshire Police 999
West Yorkshire Ambulance Service – 999
These pages are for anyone who wants to report a safeguarding concern about possible abuse of an adult at risk. You will be asked the following details:
What will I need to tell you?
• Tell us about yourself – your name, address, telephone number
(You can choose to remain anonymous – please let us know if you would like this to happen)
• Tell us about the person who has been harmed
• Tell us the about the person who has caused the harm
• Tell us when and where the abuse happened
• Tell us what the Adult at Risk would like to happen to keep them safe (if you know this information)
Please provide as much information as possible to support our decision making. If you do not have any of the information, please select the unknown option.
What happens next?
• When a safeguarding concern is reported the MASH will look at the safeguarding concern, and decide what should happen next.
• We may contact you to confirm information and gather any other information required
• This is called Responding to the Concern and information gathering.
• Someone from the MASH will decide if a safeguarding response or a different response is needed to make sure the adult at risk is safe.
• We will work with the Adult at Risk to consider how best to keep them safe
• They will be offered support to make their own choices about what they want to happen to keep them safe.
• The Adult at Risk may be offered a Care Act assessment
• Further information may be gathered to make decisions and safeguard the adult at risk from further abuse
• We will contact you to inform you of the decisions we have made
Police Response
The MASH Policing Team screens the safeguarding concern and will research their systems for relevant information relating to the safeguarding concern. They will decide if a criminal offence has been committed and if this needs to be recorded.
• The police May record the information as an Adult At Risk or intelligence which will assist officers and Police Community Support Officers to understand issues and provide better support vulnerable adults within their area.
• May record a crime - The crime could be filed at the MASH with no further action depending on the circumstances, or could be allocated to a uniformed officer to investigate.
• Officers may speak to you for further information about the offence or interview you or the person who has abused or neglected you as part of an investigation to safeguard vulnerable adults and bring offenders to justice.
Please note that this is a secure form and will time out/close after
45 minutes.
• When a safeguarding concern is reported, the MASH will look at your concern and decide with you what should happen next.
• This is called Responding to the Concern and gathering information.
• Together we will consider how best to help you.
• Someone from the MASH will decide with you if a safeguarding response or a different response is needed to make sure you are safe.
• You will be offered support to make your own choices about what you want to happen to stay safe.
• You may be offered a Care Act assessment and support plan to support you to stay safe.
• Further information may be gathered to make decisions and safeguard you from the risk of further abuse.
Police Response
The MASH Policing Team will screen the safeguarding concern, and will research their systems for relevant information relating to the safeguarding concern. They will decide if a criminal offence has been committed and if this needs to be recorded.
• The Police may record the information as an Adult at Risk or intelligence, which will assist officers and Police Community Support Officers to understand issues, and provide better support to vulnerable adults within their area.
• The police may record a crime - the crime could be filed at the MASH with no further action depending on the circumstances, or could be allocated to a uniformed officer to investigate.
• Officers may speak to you for further information about the offence, or interview you or the person who has abused or neglected you, as part of an investigation to safeguard vulnerable adults and bring offenders to justice.
The MASH will look at the safeguarding concern, and decide what should happen next.
• We may contact you to confirm information and gather any other information required.
• This is called Responding to the Concern and gathering information.
• Someone from the MASH will decide if a safeguarding response or a different response is needed to make sure the Adult at Risk is safe.
• We will work with the Adult at Risk to consider how best to keep them safe.
• They will be offered support to make their own choices about what they want to happen to keep them safe.
• The Adult at Risk may be offered a Care Act assessment.
• Further information may be gathered to make decisions and safeguard the Adult at Risk from further abuse.
• We will contact you to inform you of the decisions we have made.
Police Response
The MASH Policing Team screens the safeguarding concern, and will research their systems for relevant information relating to the safeguarding concern. They will decide if a criminal offence has been committed and if this needs to be recorded.
• The police may record the information as an Adult At Risk or intelligence, which will assist officers and Police Community Support Officers in understanding issues, and providing better support to vulnerable adults within their area.
• The police may record a crime - The crime could be filed at the MASH with no further action depending on the circumstances, or could be allocated to a uniformed officer to investigate.
• Officers may speak to you for further information about the offence, or interview the Adult at Risk or the person alleged to have caused harm, as part of an investigation to safeguard vulnerable adults and bring offenders to justice.
• When a safeguarding concern is reported, the MASH will look at the safeguarding concern, and decide what should happen next.
• We may contact you to confirm information and gather any other information required.
• This is called Responding to the Concern and gathering information.
• Someone from the MASH will decide if a safeguarding response or a different response is needed to make sure the Adult at Risk is safe.
• We will work with the Adult at Risk to consider how best to keep them safe.
• They will be offered support to make their own choices about what they want to happen to keep them safe.
• The Adult at Risk may be offered a Care Act assessment.
• Further information may be gathered to make decisions and safeguard the Adult at Risk from further abuse.
• We will contact you to inform you of the decisions we have made.
Police Response
The MASH Policing Team screens the safeguarding concern, and will research their systems for relevant information relating to the safeguarding concern. They will decide if a criminal offence has been committed and if this needs to be recorded.
• The police may record the information as an Adult At Risk or intelligence, which will assist officers and Police Community Support Officers in understanding issues, and providing better support to vulnerable adults within their area.
• The police may record a crime - The crime could be filed at the MASH with no further action depending on the circumstances, or could be allocated to a uniformed officer to investigate.
• Officers may speak to you for further information about the offence, or interview the Adult at Risk or the person alleged to have caused harm, as part of an investigation to safeguard vulnerable adults and bring offenders to justice.