Using SystmOnline - A Guide for Patients

This guide covers the following topics:

Note: Not all of the services detailed in this guide may be offered by your GP practice.

About SystmOnline

SystmOnline allows you to do things like booking appointments and ordering repeat prescriptions at a time convenient to you.

SystmOnline is also available as an app, which can be used on Apple devices (iPhones and iPads) and on Android devices (mobile phones and tablets). The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and from the Google Play Store. Simply click the relevant logo on the SystmOnline Login page.

Note: SystmOnline is only available from within the UK. You cannot access SystmOnline from abroad.

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Logging in to SystmOnline

To use the SystmOnline service, you will need to go to your registered GP practice to request a SystmOnline username and password. You cannot register for this service online because the practice needs to verify your identity. Consider calling the practice in advance to find out what kind of identification you will need to take with you, e.g. a driving licence.

Once you have registered at your GP practice, they will give you a SystmOnline username and password. If they hold an email address for you that has been verified as being correct (this means the practice has sent an email to you in the past and you have replied to it), they will also send you a confirmation email containing your SystmOnline username and the SystmOnline website address.

Wait an hour before trying to log in to the website. Your GP practice may have set up a link from its own practice website, which you can follow to access the Login page. Otherwise, your practice will have given you the web address you need to type into your web browser.

Type in your username and password and click Login.

If you have been granted access to other SystmOnline accounts, you will see a list of usernames you can choose to log in as. Click Login As This Person to choose the account you want to use. This might happen if you have a relative who is not confident using a computer and has granted access to you so that you can use SystmOnline on their behalf. Click here for instructions on how to give another person access to your SystmOnline account.

You will then see the SystmOnline Home page, which shows your details and your GP practice's contact details at the top.

Note: The services available here will depend on the services your GP practice has decided to offer; therefore, not all of those listed in this guide may be available to you.

You can navigate to all the online services from the Home page. To return to it, click Home in the blue menu bar or click the Back button on any page.

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Changing/Resetting Your Password

You will initially be given a random password and when you log on for the first time, you will be prompted to change it to something more memorable. Passwords must be eight or more characters long and must contain at least one number and one non-alphanumeric character, e.g. '!' or '?'.

If you need to change your password at any other time:

  1. Click the Change Password link on the Home page.
  2. Type in the current password.
  3. Type in the new password.
  4. Re-type the new password.
  5. Click Submit. You are advised to memorise the new password. Do not write it down or disclose it to anyone else.
  6. Click Back.

If you forget your password, you can reset it yourself, provided your practice has an email address for you that has been verified as being correct (this means the practice has sent an email to you in the past and you have replied to it).

To reset a forgotten password yourself:

  1. Click the I've forgotten my password link on the Login page.
  2. Type in your username and email address on the Reset Password page.
  3. Click Reset Password. You will receive an email containing a new password.
  4. Use the new password to log in to SystmOnline. You will be prompted to change the password to one of your own choice as soon as you log in. The password must be eight or more characters long and must contain at least one number and one non-alphanumeric character, e.g. '!' or '?'.

If you do not have an email address that has been checked, you will need to visit your practice in person and ask for your password to be reset. When you log in with the replacement password, you will be prompted to change it to a password of your own choice.

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Logging Out of SystmOnline

To log out:

  1. Click the Logout link on the Home page or Logout on the main menu bar.
  2. Close your Internet browser.

Note: The website will automatically log out after a period of inactivity. Type in your username and password to log in again.

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Patients with EMISaccess Login Details

If you previously used the EMISaccess website to book appointments or manage prescriptions, you will now need to use the SystmOnline website. This is because your GP practice has changed the computer system that they use, and therefore, changed the online service that they use.

You can use your EMISaccess login details to log in to SystmOnline without needing to visit the practice to be provided with a username and password. If your EMISaccess password is less than eight characters long, however, you will not be able to use it on SystmOnline. In this case, you will need to visit your practice to set up your login details.

On EMISaccess, you will have used one of the following sets of information to log in:


On SystmOnline, you will need:

Your SystmOnline user name will either be 'AccessID_PracticeID' OR User ID depending on how you were logging into EMISaccess. Your password remains the same.

Example 1: Fred Bloggs attends Station Road Practice and has an EMISaccess login. His Access ID is '1000', the Practice ID for Station Road is '2000' and his password is 'myragdoll'. On SystmOnline his username will therefore be '1000_2000' and his password will be 'myragdoll'.

Example 2: John Smith attends Grange Park Practice and has an EMISaccess login. His User ID is '1234010000'. On SystmOnline his username will therefore be '1234010000'.

As SystmOnline has stricter password requirements than EMISaccess, you are encouraged to change your password the first time you log in so that it is at least eight characters and includes at least one number and one non-alphanumeric character, e.g. '!' or '?'

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Managing Appointments with SystmOnline

You will be able to see up to five past appointments and all future appointments. You will also be able to book and cancel appointments.

Your practice may limit the number of future appointments that you can have at any one time. If you have already reached this limit and would like to book another appointment, you should contact your practice by telephone or in person.

Viewing Past/Future Appointments

Click the View Past Appointments/View Future Appointments link on the Home page, or click Past Appointments/Future Appointments on the main menu bar.

This page shows the date, day, start and end time of past appointments as well as the location, clinician and booking status, e.g. 'Booked'.

Click Details to see the full address and any special instructions, e.g. 'Please remember to bring your medication.'

To print these details, click Print.

Booking an Appointment

Providing you have not already reached your practice's limit for the number of future appointments, you can book an appointment using this service.

Click the Book Appointment link on the Home page or click Book Appointment on the main menu bar.

The page displayed shows details of all the sessions at your GP practice that are available for online booking. The table shows the date an appointment is available, the earliest and latest slot times, as well as the location, clinician and session type.

Your practice may have decided to allow you to book more than two weeks in advance. If they have, a drop-down list will be available for you to select dates further in the future. Select an option from the list and click Show.

Click View Available Appts at the end of the row for the session you require.

A list of appointments is displayed showing the appointment type, start and end time, and duration of the appointment. The most useful columns for you are Start Time and End Time.

Click Book at the end of the row for the appointment you require.

Check the details of the appointment, including the full address - if your practice operates from more than one site, check that this is where you want to go. If appropriate, type the reason for your appointment in the Reason field, e.g. "Blood Pressure check". This will help practice staff to prepare for your appointment. Bear in mind, however, that any information you provide may be visible to all practice staff and not just to the clinician you are going to see.

To continue without booking the appointment, click Cancel.

To confirm the appointment, click Book Appointment. The appointment is confirmed.

To print the details, click Print. Otherwise, click Back or any other menu option.

Cancelling an Appointment

To cancel an appointment:

  1. Click the View Future Appointments link on the Home page, or click Future Appointments on the main menu bar.
  2. Click the Cancel Appointment button relating to the appropriate appointment.
  3. Check the appointment details and click Cancel this appointment.
  4. To continue without cancelling the appointment, click Back or any other menu option; otherwise, click Close.

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Managing Prescriptions with SystmOnline

For certain drugs, you can request a new prescription.

Click the Current Prescriptions link on the Home page, or Current Prescriptions on the main menu bar.

All current repeat prescriptions are listed with the drug, dosage, quantity, last issued date and status. An empty tick box in the left-hand column means you can ask for a new prescription for that drug.

To request a repeat prescription:

  1. Select the drug by clicking on the box in the left-hand column. If the item you require is not listed or if you need to include further information with your request, type the details into the Medication Request Notes field. When providing this information, you should bear in mind that it may be visible to all practice staff.
  2. Click Request Medication. The Medication Order Summary is displayed, stating that a request has been sent to the practice to re-prescribe the item(s), and that the prescription will be ready for collection in two working days (after 2pm).
  3. Click Return to Current Medication to return to the Current Prescriptions page where the status of the drug will show that it has been requested.

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Changing Your Pharmacy

To change the pharmacy you collect your prescriptions from:

  1. Click the Change Pharmacy link on the Home page.
  2. Click Choose beside the pharmacy you want to use.

Note: You will only be able to specify a pharmacy here if your registered GP practice sends your prescriptions to a pharmacy electronically.

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Changing Your Contact Details

To change your address, phone number(s) or email address:

  1. Click the Change Contact Details link on the Home page.
  2. Type in your new details, then click Submit new contact details. A message is displayed, showing that your details were sent successfully.

Note: If you are happy for your practice to send text messages to your mobile phone, e.g. appointment reminders, select Allow SMS notifications and ensure that you have provided your mobile number.

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Viewing Additional Access to Your Account

Your practice can grant other SystmOnline users access to online services on your behalf. To view the additional users who can access online services on your behalf, click the View Additional Access link on the Home page.

To remove the extra accounts:

  1. Click the View Additional Access link on the Home page.
  2. Click the Remove button next to the account you want to remove.
  3. A message is displayed to confirm that you want to remove the account. Click either Confirm to remove the extra account, or Cancel to go back to the Home page.

To grant someone else access to online services on your behalf, please contact your practice.

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Viewing a Summary of Your Patient Record

To view key details from your Electronic Health Record, click the My Summary Patient Record link on the Home page.

The summary will include details of the following:

  • allergies
  • drug sensitivities
  • acute medication (issued in the last 12 months)
  • repeat medication (current and past)

Click Back to return to the Home page.

Note: The My Summary Patient Record option will only be available if your GP practice offers this service.

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Viewing Your Detailed Patient Record

To view your Electronic Health Record or request access to view it, click the My Detailed Patient Record link on the Home page.

If you have not already requested access, click the Request button to send a request to your GP practice. Click the My Detailed Patient Record link on the Home page after a week or so to see whether access has been granted. If it has not, either wait a few days longer or contact your practice to enquire.

When your request has been granted, you can use the search options on the My Detailed Patient Record page to specify the time period you want to view or to limit your search to a particular person.

All information is displayed in date order with the most recent information showing first. To browse through the pages, click Next, Previous or a particular page number.

Click Back to return to the Home page.

Note: The My Detailed Patient Record option will only be available if your GP practice offers this service.

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Viewing Your Childhood Vaccinations

To view the vaccinations your patient record shows you as having had in childhood, click the Childhood Vaccinations link on the Home page.

Note: The list of vaccinations shown may be incomplete if the vaccination data was recorded on a different clinical system from the one used by your GP practice or if the unit who recorded a vaccination is not permitted to share your patient data with your registered GP practice.

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Viewing a Patient Record Audit

To view a list of people who have accessed your electronic patient record:

  1. Click the Record Audit link on the Home page.
  2. Use the search options at the top of the page to specify the time period you want to view or to limit your search to a particular person.
  3. Click Go.

Bear in mind that office and reception staff will need to view your patient record for administrative reasons, such as booking appointments and filing letters.

Note: This option will only be available if your GP practice offers this service.

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Completing a Questionnaire

To complete a questionnaire:

  1. Click the Questionnaires link on the Home page, or the Questionnaires button on the main menu bar.
  2. Click Fill In Questionnaire beside the questionnaire you want to complete.
  3. Answer the questions.
  4. Click Submit. A message is displayed to confirm that the answers have been sent to your practice.

To print out a copy of the completed questionnaire, click Print.

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Viewing and Sending Messages

Provided your GP practice offers this service, it is possible to use SystmOnline to communicate with your registered GP practice regarding non-urgent issues. Note: If you require a quick response, you should ring your practice or visit your practice in person.

To view a message, click the View Messages link on the Home page. If a message has an attached file, click View in the Attachment column to look at the file.

If your GP practice operates a service allowing you to view pathology/radiology test results in SystmOnline, a message will be sent to your SystmOnline account to inform you when new pathology/radiology results are ready for you to view.

You can send messages to the practice or to a particular person and they can send messages back to you. If your practice holds a mobile number or email address for you that they know is correct, they may send you a text message or email to let you know when a message is waiting for you on the SystmOnline Messages page.

To send a message:

  1. Click the View Messages link on the Home page.
  2. Click New Message.
  3. Select the practice or a particular person from the Send to drop-down list.
  4. Type your message in the empty field.
  5. Click Browse if you want to attach a file to your message, then navigate to and select the file. Note: You can attach the following file types: jpeg, doc, docx, rtf, png, and pdf.
  6. Click Send. The screen will show if the message was sent successfully.
  7. Click Back. Your message is listed on the Messages page.

To find out if the person you sent the message to has read it, check the Read column in the list of messages. It will show 'Yes' if the message has been read.

To remove a message from the list, click Delete next to it and follow the on-screen instructions. The message will disappear from the list but you can see it again if you click Show Deleted Messages. Deleting a message that has not been read yet will not stop it from being received by your practice.

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Viewing a Pathology/Radiology Test Result

To view a pathology or radiology result via SystmOnline:

  1. Click the View Test Results link on the Home page.
  2. Use the search options at the top of the page to specify the time period you want to view.
  3. Click Go.
  4. Click View next to a particular result for further details.

To find out if you have already viewed a pathology or radiology result, check the Read column in the list of test results. It will show 'Yes' if the result has been viewed.

If your GP practice uses the messaging service in SystmOnline, a message will be sent to your SystmOnline account to inform you when new pathology/radiology results are ready for you to view.

Note: Pathology/radiology test results will only be visible if your GP practice offers this service.

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Using SystmOnline to Register at a GP Practice

If your GP practice operates a service allowing you to send an online patient registration request, you can do it at any time (you don't need to attend the practice during normal opening hours):

  1. Go to your practice's normal website and follow the relevant link, e.g. Self Registration. You will be taken to the SystmOnline Login page.
  2. Click Register with this practice at the foot of the Login page. You will then see a form that you need to fill in. A random verification code is displayed against coloured blocks at the top of the form.
  3. Type this code in the field underneath.
  4. Complete the rest of the registration form. The fields marked '*This is a required field' are mandatory. You should have all mandatory details already, e.g. your date of birth and address. If you know the information to complete the non-mandatory fields, you may do so. This includes things like correspondence address, NHS number and ethnicity.
  5. To return to the SystmOnline Login page without sending the registration request, click Back.
  6. Click Submit to send the registration request to the practice. If you have left any mandatory fields blank or recorded any information incorrectly (e.g. dates in the wrong format), they will be flagged and you must type a new verification code at the top of the page, ensure all fields are correctly completed and click Submit again.

Your practice will then receive your details and will process your registration. If you do not hear from them within the next few days, it may be a good idea to contact them.

Your practice may wish you to complete a form. If this is the case, a message will be displayed after you click Submit, confirming that your registration request was sent successfully and asking you to fill in a GMS1 form.

To go to the GMS1 form, click the button at the foot of the page.

You can complete this form online and then print it, or print out a blank copy and complete it by hand.

At the foot of the page, click Print to print the form.

Once you have successfully registered and have visited the practice for your first appointment, practice staff can provide you with a username and password for the SystmOnline, which will allow you to access the online services they offer.

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SystmOnline Usage and Privacy Policies

Please use this service responsibly. In the case of any abuse of the service, your GP practice can prevent you from accessing the service by stopping your username and password from working.

Examples of irresponsible use of the system may include, but are not limited to:

  • registering at a GP practice when you have no intention of using it as your usual GP practice
  • registering at a GP practice outside your catchment area
  • booking appointments you have no intention of attending
  • repeatedly booking and then cancelling appointments
  • repeatedly requesting prescriptions that you do not need

We are committed to protecting your privacy online. The personal information you enter on this website is strictly controlled. Information entered is available only to members of staff with appropriate access rights at your GP practice - i.e. those managing appointment booking, repeat prescribing and patient registration. Your personal information will not be shared with any third parties. Your personal information will not be sold to any third parties.

The full End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy are available here.

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